Blossom's Animal Crossing Diary

I own Animal Crossing, and I'm going to write a diary about my day to day life in the village. The little notebook I had wasn't big enough, so I bought myself a PC with a few spare bells and decided to write an online blog, kinda to help me remember stuff.

Friday, December 31, 2004

End of Year Raffle

I had an amazing fishing spree today, running up and down the beach by the Able sisters I picked out six red snappers (worth 3,000 bells each) from the sea. Plenty of cash to see me out for the year... but only if Tom's store was open.

I won two prizes in Tom's Monthly Raffle
I won two prizes in Tom's Monthly Raffle

Not today, today was raffle day! I couldn't sell a thing. Luckily, the 25 raffle tickets I'd collect across the past two weeks saw me win 1st and 3rd prize... a robot radio and a shogun suit of armour. Gulliver was down washed up by the beach again, I picked him up off the sand and he thanked me by giving me a shojo piece.

I mailed off Happy New Year letters to Mitzi and Curly, with cherries attached which I'd grown from seed in Markavia. I didn't have any cash at all to deposit. It feels like it'll take me a long time to pay off this debt to Nook. I've got new years eve to celebrate this evening, I wonder what that'll be like!

Thursday, December 30, 2004


Oops, I forgot to write anything yesterday. I was too tired after running around town al day collecting furniture and things.

Today was a bit more successful, the new grass green carpet I laid out yesterday seemed to boost my HRA (Happy Room Academy) rating slightly, but to be honest my room is totally uncoodinated at the moment.

The Green Room
The Green Room

I ordered in some stuff from Nook yesterday too which arrived, a Kiddie Carpet, Kiddie Table and a Backyard Fence wallpaper. The wallpaper is supposed to match my grass green carpet, and I'm hopeful that I'll find a Kiddie style wallpaper so that I can press onwards with styling my room.

Yuka sent me a funny reply today attached with a Pear Wardrobe (which I really don't need). Funny because she thanked me for my witty letter. I seem to recall that I'd sent her some clothes with the letter saying:
Dearest *Yuka*,
I found this and thought of you.
I think you'd look really stupid wearing it.
Hope you feel like an idiot.
- Blossom

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Living Space

Well, I've got loads of living room space now, and a big basement. Finally I can arrange furniture as I see fit. Still need to keep collecting different types of stuff so I can decide how I want to decorate my room.

I pulled out a few weeds today and asked the wishing well how things were, still perfect. Brilliant. Had no luck fishing by the sea today, only sea bass. I made much more money from the rivers, lots of bitterlings, and I even caught a goldfish.

The new bill for my expanded house is 398,000 bells. Yipes. By the end of the afternoon I'd earnt 50,000 bells so I paid off 48,000 leaving half rounded 350,000 bells to pay back. If I can earn 50,000 a day (yeah right :-\) I can pay Nook off in 7 days. Tough call, I'll need better fishing results for that!

Monday, December 27, 2004


All that tree planting I did yesterday has finally convinced the wishing well that Markavia is perfect. Great! So now if I can keep the weeds down maybe things will get better in town.

I bought an exotic chest from Nook's newly opened Nookaway store, and took it over to *Bonzi* island so I could sell it to Yodel. I had to barter for a while until he gave me a decent price (i.e. more then I bought it for) but he seemed pretty pleased with it.

Nook only charged me 49,800 bells for my basement expansion, phew! I've actually got over 60,000 on me right now... which means I can pay Nook off and get another expansion for tommorrow. I've got a load of bugs to sell from *Bonzi* island, I'll go do that now!

Sunday, December 26, 2004

The Golden Shovel

The golden tree, sprouted from a planted shovel has finally reached its full size. I gave it a shake this morning and out popped The Golden Shovel. Wow, after using it for a few minutes I started to dig up random bags of 100 bells from the ground, how lucky!

The golden shovel
The golden shovel

Nook's store was closed today, hes having another refit. It seems like only yesterday (well actually last friday) that Nook's cranny was expanded to Nook 'N Go, now we'll have something of a super store in town. I guess we'll need it since there a lot of residences here in town. I met a new character, a mouse - don't quite remember his name, theres so many now!

Tom had finished my basement too, loads of empty room. I quicky moved a bunch of stuff out of my living room down there so that I can now at least walk around. I dread to think how much the expansion will cost me though!

My new empty basement: LOADSA ROOM.
My new empty basement: LOADSA ROOM.

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Christmas Day

My parents got me the Starwars Trilogy DVD boxed set for xmas! Wow. Its so fun, I'm gonna go round to Mitzi's and watch it there since theres no room, and no TV in my house.

I had to go see Nook this morn, I was going to try and avoid him but he forced me to upgrade my house, I opted to get a new basement which should help space out my living room a bit. I've got far too many clothes hehe. I'm well on my way to collecting the Number Ball series of tops. I've got Numbers 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8 so far.

Last week's tree planting has come to fruition, lots more Pear trees are up and around in the village now. I've still got some tweaking to do with my tree planting. I reckon the beach squares need padding out a bit more, and I did some weeding around the place.

My pear orchard behind the town dump
My pear orchard behind the town dump

I think my golden tree is almost ready. This is my third attempt at planting a shovel into the ground. Shovels seem to have an extrordinary ability at growing. Its next to Claude's house (who moved in a few days ago) so it should be good.

What will my golden tree bloom?
What will my golden tree bloom?

I don't know if I mentioned before but a fancy bird girl called Rio moved in, and a horned rascal named Gruff is also now in town. Looks like Markavia is getting busy!

Friday, December 24, 2004

Christmas Eve Continued

Wow, Jingle's presents rock. He gave me lots of them, sadly I had no space to put them in my home :( but I did sell them to Nook who was more then happy to buy them from me. I got so much cash infact that I've easily paid off my debt to Nook, with loads of cash to spare! I'm so happy.

And guess what else, I caught a stringfish! I saw this massive fish skulking near the surface of the pond, and patiently plucked it out of the water. I got it valued at Nook's for 15,000 bells, which is very tastey, but instead I decided to cook it up and eat it for dinner. Hehe, only joking... I donated it to the museum, my first submission! The owl there was very please to see it. Just as proof, theres a photo of me and the big fish earlier today!

I caught a stringfish =)
I caught a stringfish =)

Christmas Eve

Jingle will be here in town later! I've never met him before, I just hope I stay awake long enough to get a present off him. Apparently he digs people who where different clothes or something, or maybe he doesn't recognise them as the same person hehe.

Saharah was in town too, and after much batering she eventually agreed to sell me "Saharah's Dessert" which is a fine looking sandy carpet, feels rough on the feet as you enter.

My house is overflowing with stuff, I really need some sort of expansion. I paid off another 10,000 today... but as you might have noticed, I was a bit busy yesterday and didn't pay anything.

My rather crammed house!
My rather crammed house!

Gulliver was washed up on the beach again today, after much banter he gave me a Mouth of Truth for saving his life. Its a bit ugly to be honest, I'll post a picture later.

Sable told me a heart warming story about her family and how much she loves her sister. It was all a bit emotional to be honest, Sable is much older then Mable.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004


That Yuka again! Apparently she forcibly took Tangy's personal organiser from Vesta and was holding on to it. Her guilty concience finally showed through and I nabbed it off her, but boy was I annoyed. Tangy gave me an eightball shirt, but I really wanted some more furniture!

I visited *Bonzi* Island again today. Yodel was there, the actual reason I went was because Anchovy sold me an exotic end table. I bought it for 2,400 bells and sold it on to Yodel for 2,800. Ok, so he actually asked for 600 the fisrt time round, but I said no. I'm not in the business of oceanic shipping to make a loss. There were loads of bugs flying around on *Bonzi* island, I picked up loads with my net, and took them back for sale at Nook's, there were worth about 300 bells each on average. Definitely a great spot to go for any budding bug hunters.

Dress Pattern: Square Burn
Dress Pattern: Square Burn

Back on main land, Mable chatted to me about Nook and his hard bargaining. Apparently they don't get paid so much for the stuff sold in his store. I've decided to start buying more materials from them just to show my support - and I made a new pattern called Square Burn. Its got a nice fade to it and I used 2x2 squares across from the centre, I think it looks really good on my hat.

My second axe arrived today so I went about my business hacking down trees again. I spoke to the wishing well and it said Acres D3, A1, B1 and A5 all were lacking greenery, so I collected together lots of pears and planted them out across the landscape. I still need to post off some fossils, I'll do that pretty soon.

Monday, December 20, 2004

Axe Girl

Another eventful afternoon! I slept in really nicely this morning, it must be my lush kiddie's carpet since I still don't have a bed.

Tom was selling an axe today, so I snapped it up and rushed around town hacking down trees that got in my way. Sadly, it eventually broke and I had to order a new one from Tom's store. I sent another load of fossils off to Faraway museum. Yuka had stolen Mitzi's hankerchief. I thought she'd also nicked Curly's watch, but actually she'd lent it onwards to Tangey. Shes being the real centre of trouble later. For my troubles I got a merge sign and a melon table.

On my visit to the Able sisters today (oops I've been saying 'Mable' all this time, its actually Mable and Sable Able), Sable actually said hi! She even knew my name, shes always been quiet but it was quite cool that she recognised me.

My super festive house.
My super festive house.

At the end of my run around, and after selling a few things I decided to rearrange my wall a bit. I thought the melon table would look great on the right wall, opposite my kiddies table and sold off the office table and papa bear (I'm not a fan of giant cuddly toys to be honest). I'd found two more musical gyroids in the ground, so added them to my collection. They're not such a tuneful group to be honest. I bought another large festive-tree too, one for each corner of my room. The peeps in the village were talking about making sure you had festive items - so I thought it'd be nice to spruce the place up before xmas.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Fishing for Cash

Whehay, Tom's store finally had a fishing rod in stock! I snapped it up straight away along with a small festive tree (to go with my big one) and some more paper. There was another delivery of fossils today from the Museum, I'd picked up an anomite which was only worth 1,100 bells, but the others (A skull and a wing) were worth loads. I sent another four fossils off, I hope they're keeping a back-log of the fossils I'm sending to them since they only seem to send a maximum of three a day back.

Oh yeah, and Tom told me about the wonderful new expansion to my house. Sure I've got plenty more room now- but he charged me 148,000 bells! I can buy all the houses in street for that much.

Not to worry, I'm ace at fishing. After catching and throwing away about 40 sea bass, I had collected a healthy number of red barbs... which fetched me loads of cash. There was a papa bear and an office desk at the dump which I picked up. Anchovy gave me a slot machine in exchange for a fish (ace!) and I managed to pick up a regal dresser from somewhere... Curly even generously gave me an odd clock, its odd, so I put it in the centre of my room.

By the end of the day I had well over 50,000 bells, so I paid of 48,000 bells of my 'debt' leaving a cool rounded 100,000 left. Damn that Nook. At least my house looks a bit more spiffy and airy, but theres a horrible lack of furniture, I need a bed, or at least a chair. Just something pleease!

My festive home.

Saturday, December 18, 2004


Its 2am, I couldn't sleep. Instead I went for a run around the village, through the cold moonlit snow. Everyone was outside, most of them were sleeping granted, but a slight nudge and they were wide awake. Surely thats not good, I mean, sleeping out in the snow. I think they'll all go to bed anyway. They all warned me abou the snow and mentioned I might be getting a cold, sniffly nose and all. I think I best wrap up warm and stay in bed till tommorrow. I found out the Mable sisters open from 7:00am to 2:00am, (Only 5 hours sleep?!) and Nook's cranny is a stable 9:00am til 10:00pm.

Night time for me tho.

Debt Free!

Today I got some really cool mail back from the Faraway Museum. They sent back three of the fossils that I posted to them, I got the skull of a Tricera something, the Neck of a Pleisosaur (sp?) and the head of something else (such a small head for such a large creature). Anyway, I went straight to Nook's Cranny to get them valued and WOW they were all worth around 5,000 bells each. Top!

Gracie was in town, I polished her car and she gave me a lousey Barber shop outfit. I almost ran away and cried, but actually I headed over to the Mable sisters and designed myself a new set of clothes. A new animal - Astrid moved into town, she said Mitzi had taken her camera and not given it back, that didn't sound like Mitzi to me, so I offered to go find it for Astrid. When I got to Mitzi she said Yuka had stolen it. Now it all made sense, I stormed off to Yuka and whacked her a few times with my bug net, and forced her to give the camera back. When I got back to Astrid, she only gave me weird overly purple 'Laced Dress', it looked really dubious... so I changed back into the black and pink striped dress I designed myself earlier... and sold the dress to Nook (along with that crappy barber thing Gracie gave me).

After paying off my house loan, and being totally debt free - I still had loads of bells left. So I went to Nook's store, bought some more letters (to send off some fossils I found), a second shovel and because I missed out on the mini festive-tree yesterday, I bought myself a huge 2x2 festive-tree for today. It is huge! I crammed it into the corner of my room next to the kiddies table, and rearranged a few things.

I picked up a nice green plant from somewhere too, I'm not sure where tho! All this rushing around in the snow has made me forget. My camera wasn't working today, so I've got no piccies to show. Actually, my lead that I plug into the computer broke, so I can't get any pictures off... I'll make sure its fixed soon tho; I've just soo gotta get a piccy of my huge christmas tree!

Friday, December 17, 2004

First Morning

I woke up pretty early this morning, running around in the snow at half eight. The owl at the museum must have contacted his friends because I got a letter saying I'd been enrolled or something and that I could send fossils to them for analysis. I think I might do that later when Nook's Cranny opens. No one had responded to any of the letters I sent out yesterday. Someone had posted a note on the town message thought board about a Blue Dresser. It worries me - people in this town go around burrying decent furniture, how wrong is that?

My first letter arrived!

Mitzi wanted me to delivery a glasses to case to Tangey that she left behind, I said I'd do it since I was touring around the map saying hi to everyone. I met the Mable Sisters again today, they couldn't advise any decent fashion items today... oh well, I'll check again tommorrow.

I found a shipwrecked sailor called Gulliver on the beach today, he gave me this great piece of furniture for my room, it like sprays an endless fountain. I took a snap of my room too, its down at the bottom. Yuka was sleeping outside her house, haha. I left her alone, I think I'll start ignoring her. Next I ended up in Anchovi's house, which is ace. Its like a casino inside, and I hung around there for a bit chatting, playing on his fruit machines.

Anchovi's Casino

Onthe way up to Tangy I found the Blue Dresser in E4, so pocketed that and headed onwards. Tangy was pretty 'high' this morning, you should have seen her eyes, I mean yikes! She was pretty pleased to get her glasses case back and gave me an Apple Clock. Which looks alot like an Apple TV to be honest. Nook's store was still closed when I got there, so I turned back round and headed home.

My living room is still a bit of a bed, no bed yet... not even a chair. I got this wonderful matching kiddy's table and floor though, hopefully I'll pick up some more matching items soon enough. The blue dresser fits nicely in the corner, and I stuck the apple clock in the corner for now, but I think I'll sell that to Nook pretty soon.

My rather crammed living room.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Blossom moves to Markavia

Hey peeps, this is the diary of Blossom. I just moved to Markavia, this new town out near the ocean. I've done so much since I got here, below is a picture of me and my house.

Blossom's New House

I didn't have any cash or anything, but Tom Nook sorted me out with a house and got me a job to start paying off some of the bills. I've been everywhere today though, I met Tangy, Curly, Anchovy, Mitzi, Camofrog and Yuka. Yuka was a real bitch, she called me a "Mental Runt", that made me pretty sad and very angry. I wrote back to her in a letter saying she was evil. Mitzi is cute though, I sent here a letter too, telling her not to buy stuff from Nook, its nice of him to get me a mortgage on the house and everything but I think he's pretty shady.

The cute cat called Mitzi (outside her house)

I also went down to the pier and got a lift with the Captain down to *Bonzi* island. I think it should have been *Bonzai*, but who am I to complain? Well! I'm complaining now anyway, it was raining the whole time. I thought there was supposed to be sun on these places! I said hi to the gorilla there and wrote something in his diary. His hut was very empty though, so I sold him my Mini Fizzoid for decent bells. He's after some exotic furniture at the moment, if I see any I'll get him some.

I planted a few pears over on *Bonzi* island and took loads of coconuts back, some of which I planted in D4 I think. One the villages told me about 'Nook, he said "He'll buy anything, even junk found outside his store"; that was Anchovi I think, he also said "Hes a nut". Well, I made all of 1800 Bells selling (coco)nuts to him.

While bashing rocks with my shovel I got a bunch of cash out of one when it turned red and starting bouncing everytime I hit it. Didn't last long, but got 1300 bells out of it. I can't wait until Tom starts selling Axes in the store. I sold Nook some shells off the beach as well, Conches were the best, followed by Coral... the rest were pretty worthless - you'd make more selling Pears, and they only make 100 each.

I did some chores for people too, deliveries and item finding. My house is nicely furnished with a kiddies carpet and a kiddies table. Theres a keg in there too and a Squelchoid that I dug up... plus someone donated me a Manhole cover. Anyway, bed time I think... I hope I don't have too many nightmares about the mortgage, hehe, but I already have 11,000 bells ready to spend. I'll drop by the Post Office tommorrow and see whats going on.