Yesterday, was a quiet day. I've decided to take a break from paying my loan off. I don't really need a bigger house. I played more games with Mitzi this time in her igloo, which was rather fun.
Today on the other hand, I felt a bit ill... I got myself out of bed for a short while to pick up a Kiddie Bookshelf which had arrived that morning from Gabriele in Midgar. I don't really know her, I found her on when looking for someone to trade a Kiddie Dresser with. That reminds me, I need to buy a new Kiddie Dresser...
Today on the other hand, I felt a bit ill... I got myself out of bed for a short while to pick up a Kiddie Bookshelf which had arrived that morning from Gabriele in Midgar. I don't really know her, I found her on when looking for someone to trade a Kiddie Dresser with. That reminds me, I need to buy a new Kiddie Dresser...
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