Blossom's Animal Crossing Diary

I own Animal Crossing, and I'm going to write a diary about my day to day life in the village. The little notebook I had wasn't big enough, so I bought myself a PC with a few spare bells and decided to write an online blog, kinda to help me remember stuff.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

A Blur

The last few days has been a right blur! I've been out about in town everyday, but getting round to writing the diary has been so hard. Lets think what happened...

... Tortimer came and told me off for not slacking on lighthouse duty, no ship wrecks tho, I was pretty sure of that. I've been mostly trading to be honest, working towards a completed Kiddie Set. SooBoo from Detroit helped me finish off my collection with a Kiddie Bureau, but I also traded with John from Dunetown for a Kiddie Wardrobe. My downstairs looks pretty spiffy right now, I'm really pleased with it.

My completed Kiddie Theme collection
My completed Kiddie Theme collection

I also got asked to do some trades too, that was pretty cool! Red Cat from Element5 saw that I had access to Coconuts (from *Bonzi* island) and offered to trade for an Orange. I planted it right away just near Gruff's house. Roetje from Crossvil on the other hand noticed I had a NES Console, and offered to trade one of his games for it. Considering I didn't have any software at all to play on my NES, I bought one from Nook at the store and sent it straight off to him, in return I got Baloon Fight, which is this pretty awesome game which involves baloons and these crazy monsters... I'll try and get some screenshots of that soonish.

Mom sent me another silly letter. She heard a rumour about me and Little Timmy's Ant Farm. THAT was years ago! I mean, seriously, when you're a kid you play around and do some pretty mean things, but that don't make you a bad person when you grow up. Timmy was a squirt then, and probably still is now. I mean, mom still calls him 'little' Timmy. I don't know.

The latest letter from home
The latest letter from home

Friday, January 21, 2005

In the shadow of Debt

500,000 Bells to go. It just never ends! You feel like your raking in the bells, you head down to the post office to deposit, and ~bing~, its gone. Oh well, I don't care too much - it just makes some extra running around each day collecting fruit and catching fish.

Anyhow, in the village Ellie left, awh. She was only here for like a week, weird. For someone to move around that soon must be pretty crazy. Some other sheep moved in like right away though. Can't remember the name, but they kept going on about lampchops, I dunno, death wish maybe?

Ellie left the town, hah
Ellie left the town, hah

My mom sent me a "don't bury yourself under the stresses of the world" letter the other day, it reminded me about exactly Why I had left home. I wish she'd just leave me be, maybe send me some positive words! Maybe a nice cash sum, hehe.

A 'Caring' Letter from my Mom.
A 'Caring' Letter from my Mom.

Yesterday I was busily out fishing, I filled my pockets with Red Snappers, it was such a joy to sell them all to Nook. It took a lot of patience mind, I probably caught four times as many Sea Bass, but I'd have to catch like 30 Sea Bass for the value of one Red Snapper, so its no big issue chucking them straight back in.

All the Red Snappers I caught yesterday
All the Red Snappers I caught yesterday

Hmmmmm, do you know what I forgot to do? Light the bloody lighthouse. Oh well, I'll go back and handle it soon, but I got this horrible feeling I've missed it one other time this week, doh. I wonder what Tortimer will say, I didn't see any ship wrecks this week...

Monday, January 17, 2005


Yesterday, I tracked down Joan (the turnip seller) right before she left town, I just managed to nab a last buy batch of 150 Turnips with 14,500 bells I'd collected earlier in the day, she was selling them for something like 96 bells.

Anyhow, fast forward today.. walked into Nook's store to find out he was buying them at 780 bells! Wowowow. I made like over 110,000 bells instantly. My facing was beaming yet again. Of course, I did the sensible thing: bought out everything in his store, then went and deposited the rest of the cash in the post office... my debt is still huge, I think 610,000 bells still to pay. Its pretty scary.

Yesterday as well, I met up with Tortimer at the wishing well, he said he was sneaking off to have a well earned holiday, and wanted me to deal with the lighthouse everyday for the next week. So, of course I gingerly accepted his offer and today pulled the big switch to start the system up. That was pretty fun to be honest!

The Inner Workings of the Lighthouse
The Inner Workings of the Lighthouse

The other thing I'd like to say is I completed my Nine Ball set of clothing =) Tom was selling a number 7 shirt, the day before I got a 9 ball shirt from Rio in the mail... and just sitting there in the dump, a 1 Ball shirt. Ace! So I've got the complete set now, and even tho I might not get any browny points, at least I get to be super stylish 9 days of the week, hehe.

Complete Collection of Nine Ball shirts
Complete Collection of Nine Ball shirts

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Activity Day

Ooh, I've been so tired the last few days. I managed to get up and about to delivery fossils, do a bit of fishing... and even post off some furniture as part of trades, but I couldn't find time to write in my diary.

Well, today... here I am writing in my diary. I got plenty done! I traded a Tulip Chair for a Kiddie Couch with Emily in Harvest, I sent a Cabin Wardrobe to Stefan in Londen and sent off a Kiddie Bookcase to Robby in a place called LiteCity. Its all happening!

The wandering wallpaper artist Wendell
The wandering wallpaper artist Wendell

On my wanderings around town today, I found Wendell whos was growling about his stomach. He had a sack full of wall paper on his back, but I really didn't need anything from him. I felt sorry and fished him out a Sea Bass for him to eat, he seemed rather pleased.

There's a bit of a cherry orchard happening near Rio's house, its certainly much more colourful round there anyhow, maybe I'll start harvesting the fruit some day when I have more time.

Cherry Orchard outside Rio's house
Cherry Orchard outside Rio's house

My rooms are starting to take shape now, theres a a whole collection of house plants and cactii on my top floor, along with an assortment of gyroids and arranged flowers. I like all the plants and things, though it takes a while to water them all. Theres a nice ambience from the different gyroids playing away their own quirky tunes.

My plant filled upstairs
My plant filled upstairs

Downstairs, the Kiddie Theme is really starting to take shape, I need somewhere to put my Bonsai trees though, they don't really fit with the Kiddie Table, I think I might buy a couple more kiddie tables and some more chairs, just to push the theme a bit more. I had a play on my pool table for a bit, its rather fun. Best buy from Nook so far.

How my house looks like at the moment (Downstairs)
How my house looks like at the moment (Downstairs)

Wednesday, January 12, 2005


Yesterday, was a quiet day. I've decided to take a break from paying my loan off. I don't really need a bigger house. I played more games with Mitzi this time in her igloo, which was rather fun.

Today on the other hand, I felt a bit ill... I got myself out of bed for a short while to pick up a Kiddie Bookshelf which had arrived that morning from Gabriele in Midgar. I don't really know her, I found her on when looking for someone to trade a Kiddie Dresser with. That reminds me, I need to buy a new Kiddie Dresser...

Monday, January 10, 2005

Golden Axe

Its been two weeks, 14 days since the wishing well told me everything was perfect in Markavia, day after day I've planted various new fruit trees and watched the place grow...

... and today, Farley presented me with the Golden Axe. Wooh! This axe will never break so it is said. I've not actually cut anything down with it yet, but I'm sure I'll want to prune some of the Pear trees at some point in the near future - now that theres a healthy stock of Peaches and Cherries in the town.

Farley magically appeared from the wishing well
Farley magically appeared from the wishing well

Me holding the Golden Axe
Me holding the Golden Axe

I spoke to Rio during the day, she said she'd received a strange message off someone she might have once known. It read:

A letter that Rio showed me
A letter that Rio showed me

That's pretty inconspicuous, people are always showing weird letters that they've received... but then on my way round town I found a new residence in our village; Ellie, an elephant. How strange. I hope she doesn't eat all our fish!

The rest of my day was spent playing games with Vesta in her igloo. We played "I've got 5 types of furniture" for ages, and occasionally had the odd game of "I'll buy that off you for the price on one of 4 cards". It was really fun getting lots of new items, and exchanging money back and forth, but I think she managed to win more out of me then I got from her. Not to worry - I've got lots of shiny new things in my catalog like a Bear Pole, Round Cactus, Tall Cactus, Pot Belly Stove, Refrigerator, Red Vase, Croton (House Plant) and probably some others. I missed out on a Kiddie Couch, I begged her for it but she refused saying we had to play by the rules. Awh - I'd have paid ANYTHING for a Kiddie Couch.

Kiddie Bed

While using my computer the other day, I found a really great site called Animal Crossing Community, a pretty complete site all about the people in towns and villages all around the country. They had an online trading service there, and I managed to trade my Stone Couple for a Kiddie Bed with a guy called Ricky in Canyon. Many thanks Ricky, I've finally got a proper bed to sleep in =)

I managed to trap the evil Yuka today in a hole, hah hah hah. It was most amusing.

Yuka stuck in a hole, hehe
Yuka stuck in a hole, hehe

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Second Floor Garden

Tom finished work on my new house expansion right away, I dashed upstairs to find a bare room ready to be filled with furniture. I decided to bring all my plants and the hamock upstairs, and spread out the grassy flooring and backyard fence wallpaper.

My Second Floor Garden
My Second Floor Garden

The bill tho, the bill ::sob::... cruel Tom Nook, he charged me 798,000 bells ::sob::. How will I ever pay that amount of money? I must have paid him close to a million bells already.

I suppose the other good news from today was a package from a friend in another village called Le Fun, I'd sent a Backyard Fence to my friend Chris there, and in exchange he mosted me a much sort after Kiddie Chair. I was so delighted when it arrived, hopefully I'll be able to trade more in the future.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Yodel's Riches

For a start, I decided to take down my christmas decorations. I sold them all off to Nook for a modest 3,000 bells and then bought out a few things from his store.. including a Cabana dresser to go on *Bonzi* island and a kiddie wallpaper to match my kiddie flooring (That playroom wallpaper just didn't look right). Tom was selling a Billiards table too, looks more like an American Pool table, but I'm not complaining! I made space for it and positioned it in my room. I rearranged my plants into the bottom right hand corner, I might shift the ranch chair into the middle of all the plants, that'd be a pretty cool spot to sit in.

My room looks much more spacious without the festive decorations.
My room looks much more spacious without the festive decorations.

Later in the day I headed over to *Bonzi* island to put some stuff in my little shack there (little, hehe). I tried catching fish but had terrible look, 1 barred knifejaw, 1 red snapper and a million sea bass. I hate sea bass. Instead I took it to myself to catch some insects, which was far more fun. I landed a bright blue buttefly, which when I took back to Nook's store got me 2,000 bells. I so have to catch some more of those, its way easier then fishing.

I left Yodel to his own devices, turns out he went round shaking all the fruit off the trees and after he ate the food he dropped loads of money on the island. I was really suprised tho, I've known him to do this before, but only small bags of cash. Today he was dropping bags of 30,000 and 10,000.... I rushed back to the island and snatched up the bags - I'd got enough to pay off my loan Yippee!

I paid off my biggest loan to date!
I paid off my biggest loan to date!

To the post office I went, then to Nook... he told me I could have a new floor, wow! Can't wait to find out what its like.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Bonzi Flag

The big events of today were the building of a new bridge, just by Curly's house which makes getting to Tom's store so much quicker. I wouldn't be suprised if he had a part in paying for the new construction.

The new bridge near Curly's house
The new bridge near Curly's house

I'd also designed a new flag for *Bonzi* island, which I put up today, I got lots of fishing done and bought back over 50,000 bells worth of salty sea fish. Thats gone a long way to pay off my loan, only 60,000 remaining now.

My new flag for *Bonzi* island
My new flag for *Bonzi* island

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

A Bridge...

The Mayor Tortimer was wondering around town today, just by Curly's house near to Nook's store. He had a brilliant idea, a new bridge across the river! Bingo, Tortimer had picked exactly the right spot for one. I can't imagine where else he was going to put one, but its been a real pain of late trying to cross the river to get to Nook's store. Hopefully the new bridge will make an excellent addition to the town... I just wonder when they'll have it built.

The Mayor suggests a place for a new bridge
The Mayor suggests a place for a new bridge

As for other news, Katrina had placed herself in town. Copper didn't seem to happy about it when I asked what was going on in town, but I still headed over to Acre E-5 to see what the fuss was about. I paid my 50 bells and Katrina gave me an odd little prediction...

Back in school,
a back-talking
off-duty cop
will be nibbling carrots

To be honest that sounds like utter nonsense to me, although it did seem to remind me of a film I saw once about a Kindergarden Cop...

Katrina arrived in town again with her tent
Katrina arrived in town again with her tent.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Turnips are GOLD

Wow! Tom was buying turnips at 650, yes, no less then six-hundred-and-fifty bells a piece. Thats over 7 time's my buying price. I sold the 100 remaining ones straight away. How ace is it to get that much money? I tell ya I was ecstatic. I bought out all of the fancy furniture in the store, treated myself to a red tie-dye dress and picked up a lace umbrella (which I thought looked very dainty).

Samson in his Igloo
Samson in his Igloo

Camofrog gave me a Master Sword he no longer needed, not the most glorious of items.. I mean I sold another one that I had before, but when I went to visit Samson in his igloo we played a game and he bought it off me for over 1,000 bells.

Finally, a bed - well, a hammock
Finally, a bed - well, a hammock

And Curly, bless him... he gave me a hammock! You don't know how wonderful it is to finally have something decent to sleep on. I headed home, and put it inplace of some of my festive trees, sank into it... and dozed off. ::snore::

Monday, January 03, 2005

Island of Fish

I found out today that *Bonzi* island not only is a great place for catching bugs of all sorts, but also is a great place to pick up salt water fish, including plentiful supplies of expensive fish such as Red Snappers and Barred Knifejaw. I picked up over 20,000 bells worth of fish and headed back to mainland.

Turnips were selling at 89 bells today, thats 4 bells up from Sunday... and I sold 50 of my 150 turnips. Not exactly wonderous profit, but I needed the extra cash to buy some items from Tom's store.

The only other interesting thing that happened was Curly sending me a letter with a cactus attached, but I really didn't need it and sold it to Tom at the store.

Letter from Curly
Letter from Curly

Sunday, January 02, 2005


Rio said something crazy today - What if the river and the lakes froze over?! It might be really fun crossing the river anywhere you want, but where would all the fish live?

As another villager pointed out an icey marshmellow popped up on one of the southern acres... I had to investigate. Inside I found astrid cooking up some stew, I played her at 'guess the card' and using my super psychic powers convinced her to pick the Triangle card twice in a row, meaning she paid full whack (3,000 bells) for my cabana dresser

The Icey Marshmellow
The Icey Marshmellow

I tried again later and managed to pick one card correctly, which meant she bought a kitchen tile off me for 1,100 bells. Ace! Fishing was terrible today... 2 red snappers and about 30 sea bass. I just gave up! I had supremely better luck with digging tho, I found a shiney spot on the ground and uncovered 30,000 bells from the ground. Wow, my face was beaming. I'd earnt plenty today, so I paid 50,000 bells off my debt taking me down to 220,000 bells owed.. and then went and spent 13,000 bells on 150 turnips from Joan. This is the first time I've bought from her they were only 85 bells each... and I reckon Tom must give a decent price on them before next weekend.

Only other news - I cleared out a bunch of furniture from my room and moved rare stuff into the basement. I've got quite a bulging collection of gyroids in my basement now, I might start trading them to get a rather more musical set.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

New Year!

What a fun party! I went down to the lake for New Years Eve to meet all the souls from the village and chatted and danced. Tortimer gave me a noisemaker present, I couldn't figure out how to use it so afterwards I just left it on the table in my house.

New Year Countdown
New Year Countdown

There was a big "Count Down" sign by the lake which counted down to 00:00 and then flipped over to say "NEW YEAR" in bright flashing letters. Just as it hit the New Year, fireworks launched all over the sky and you could watch them in the water.

New Year's Day Fireworks
New Year's Day Fireworks

The next morning I woke up around 8:00 and headed to the wishing well to make my new year's wish. Everyone in the village had been reminding me since Jingle left town. I eagerly rushed to the front of the queue and made my wish, but soon got shoved out the way by Yuka. How desperate! She really has some issues to sort out.

Katrina was giving fortunes to the villagers
Katrina was giving fortunes to the villagers

This lady Katrina was by the wishing well as well, giving out fortunes for the new year. She pushed me an envelope which I pocketed. I didn't get round to reading it actually ::worried::. I hope its good. Actually, she said it was just a bit of fun so I won't take it too seriously.

Curly and Mitzi both sent replies to the letters I sent out the other day, I posted them below because they're kinda interesting. I'm not sure what Curly was on about when he said "I it!", I'm a bit worried he might be losing it.

Curly's Letter
Curly's Letter

Mitzi's Letter
Mitzi's Letter