Blossom's Animal Crossing Diary

I own Animal Crossing, and I'm going to write a diary about my day to day life in the village. The little notebook I had wasn't big enough, so I bought myself a PC with a few spare bells and decided to write an online blog, kinda to help me remember stuff.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Island of Fish

I found out today that *Bonzi* island not only is a great place for catching bugs of all sorts, but also is a great place to pick up salt water fish, including plentiful supplies of expensive fish such as Red Snappers and Barred Knifejaw. I picked up over 20,000 bells worth of fish and headed back to mainland.

Turnips were selling at 89 bells today, thats 4 bells up from Sunday... and I sold 50 of my 150 turnips. Not exactly wonderous profit, but I needed the extra cash to buy some items from Tom's store.

The only other interesting thing that happened was Curly sending me a letter with a cactus attached, but I really didn't need it and sold it to Tom at the store.

Letter from Curly
Letter from Curly


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